My Fav Recipes

One of the best things in life, for me, is eating delicious food that's also healthy. Especially if you are sharing it with family or good friends and its accompanied by lively conversation. My love of good food inspires me to try new recipes often. On these pages I'd like to share some of the best recipes I've found, many of which have become regulars in my home. Let me know if you try any of them, and what you think. Mangiamo!! (Let's Eat!!)


Pumpkin Pancakes. These pancakes are oh-so-delicioso in the fall. After the first time I made them, my hubby requested that we have them again 2 days later - you know they gotta be good!

Desserts!!! (no one said these have to be healthy)

Tiramisu. Best Dessert Ever, no further explanation needed.


Lentil Soup. Oh how I love soup, and this is one of the best! I like to freeze the leftovers for weeknights when I just want a quick and yummy dinner after getting home from a long day at work.